The Waiting Game

So, you’ve filled out the myriads of paperwork required by your agency. You’ve survived the endless questions from your caseworker during the home study. And, you feel that you have used up every creative juice in your body after having completed your Dear...

Superman and Other Famous Adoptees

Did you know that your adopted child has a lot in common with a comic book character who dresses in a stretchy blue suit and a red cape and flies? That’s right. Your child and Superman have a lot in common. They were both adopted. When we first talk to our children...

Positive Adoption Language

DON’T SAY… DO SAY… your own child your birth/biological child your adopted child your child real/natural parent birth/biological parent child IS adopted child WAS adopted Illegitimate born to unmarried parents give up/put up/ surrender/release/ relinquish for adoption...

Learning to Use Positive Adoption Language

I am sure all of you will agree that when we talk about adoption with our children it is very important that the language we use be positive and that it promotes good feelings about adoption. Keeping that in mind, I find it somewhat surprising that so much of the...

Adoptees Request Original Records

According to a survey by the Washington Times, almost 15,000 adult adoptees have requested their original birth records from four states that have open records. Many adoptees are using this information in order to search for their birth parents. And the survey showed...