Frequently Asked Questions

Anyone seeking adoption should and will have lots of questions.
Find answers to some of the most common ones we encounter below.

What is an adoption consultant?

We are adoption professionals focused on guiding and coaching clients, prospective adoptive parents, through the adoption process. We are not affiliated with an agency and are not a facilitator.

What are the benefits of working with an adoption consultant?

As experts in the adoption field, we help save you time, money and emotional stress during your adoption journey. Doing a simple internet search on adoption agencies yields an overwhelming amount of information that is difficult to digest and make sense of. We help you compare apples to apples and educate you about the most important aspects of adoption. One of our primary functions is matching you to agencies that are willing to work with you and that meet your needs.

Do you work with domestic or international adoptions?

Our focus is on domestic adoption, primarily because international adoptions have almost disappeared in the current climate.

Do you work with infant or older child adoptions?

We specialize in private infant adoptions but can also guide you to reputable public agencies that work with older child adoptions. All older child adoptions are done through public agencies that place CPS kids.

What are the qualifications for adoptive parents?

Different agencies have different qualifications for age, married vs. single, traditional vs. same-sex marriage, marriage length, religion and infertility status. All agencies require good health, financial stability, a criminal background check and a home study.

Do you work with singles and same sex couples?


How long is the wait?

In general, most people are matched within 6-24 months. The wait is dependent on 2 primary factors:
1) How quickly you as the adopting family get your information completed and submitted
2) How flexible you are with regard to issues like sex, ethnicity and background information (genetics and
drug exposure)

How much does it cost for adoption?

The total cost for private adoption ranges from $40,000-$60,000 with an average of $50,000.

Why is adoption so expensive?

Private adoptions are funded by the fees that adopting parents pay and cover birth mother expenses, counseling, advertising, legal fees and administrative costs.

Are there financial resources to help us adopt?

In addition to a Federal Tax Credit, there are organizations that provide no interest loans, grants and fundraising tools to help fund your adoption. We can help you navigate this process.