Our services are tailored for your unique adoption journey

No two adoptions are the same, which is why we offer personalized services
to meet the distinctive needs of your family. Explore our suite of services
designed to bring you closer to the moment you meet your child.

No two adoptions are the same, which is why we offer personalized services to meet the distinctive needs of your family. Explore our suite of services designed to bring you closer to the moment you meet your child.

Adoption 101
Our first meeting starts with education. We offer a tailored overview of the adoption process by engaging in a thorough discussion with you about your desires and preferences. Additionally, we provide insights into the differences among adoption agencies, discuss financial commitments, and offer guidance on integrating an adopted child into your family. Our primary objective in this meeting is to empower you with the knowledge needed to decide if adoption is suitable for your family. Should adoption be the right fit, we will then provide guidance on the next steps forward, offering the direction best matched to your circumstances and aspirations. Our goal is to ensure that you feel equipped and confident in your decision-making process, whether that involves pursuing adoption or exploring alternative paths.
Adoption Consulting

When you choose to team up with Baby Love, this is an overview of the process we will guide you through.

1) Learn About You – We ask questions about you and your understanding of adoption, your expectations and your desires.

2) Educate – In addition to the Adoption 101 session, we educate you further about the entire adoption process – vocabulary, requirements for adopting parents, the role that agencies play in the process, financial obligations, resources for financial assistance and more.

3) Recommend Agencies – Based on the information we gather about you, we make recommendations of agencies that would be best aligned with the needs and desires of your family and that have room to accept families like yours.  Much like people, each agency is unique. We strive to give you a transparent and easy to understand comparison of the recommended agencies to help you make your decision and arm you with questions to ask at each agency interview.

4) Apply – Once you’ve made your agency selection, we are there to answer any questions about the application process which includes loads of paper work, gathering of documents, letters of reference and more.

5) Home Study Preparation – All agencies require a home study by a licensed social worker who visits your home and interviews your family.  We help you prepare for a successful home study.

6) Create Your Profile Book – This is perhaps the most critical part of the process.  This book is used to give birth families a glimpse into what life would be like as a member of your family.  We help you make sure all the right elements are include that helps set you apart from other adopting families.

7) Case Assessment – Once you become a waiting parent, you will have unlimited access to ask us any questions you have about “matching” with an expecting mother.

8) Continuous Support – Even after you are “matched,” count on us to be a constant source of guidance and support all the way through to finalization. We are there for you with both practical and emotional support, making any adoption challenge more manageable as a team.

Financial Assistance

In addition to a Federal Tax Credit, there are organizations that provide no interest loans, grants and fundraising tools to help fund your adoption. We can help you navigate this process.

Professional Photography

We offer professional photography services to capture images of you, your family, your home, and your neighborhood for your profile book which will be presented to prospective birth mothers.

Additionally, we provide the opportunity to document your newly expanded family after placement, capturing precious memories with your new bundle of joy.

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Adoption Profile Book

With our expertise, we understand the elements that contribute to a compelling adoption profile book.  You can rely on us to assist you in crafting a book that effectively communications to birth families what it would be like to join your loving family.

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